What is it about me that won't let you break off? Is it Wendy? 'Cause you know I never tried to take her from you.
대체 왜 나한테서 떨어지지 않는건데? 알다시피 난 웬디를 뺏으려 한 적 없어.
And if I have her now, you lost her on your own.
지금 웬디가 나한테 왔다면, 자네가 잃은 탓이지.
It's something to do with her, but it's more.
웬디도 관련은 있지만 그 때문만은 아니라서.
You've accumulated so much you think laws don't apply to you.
높디높은 돈방석에 앉아서 법 위에 있다고 생각하지.
And I'm not talking about the laws of man, the ones written down on paper.
I'm talking about the immutable laws of the universe.
About fairness and right.
법전에 적힌 법이나 말하는 게 아니야. 우주 불변의 법칙 얘기지. 공평과 정의에 관한
Who says we have to live by those? Maybe we can create our own, if we have the audacity.
And who appointed you the keeper of these cosmic rules in the first place? The fucking arrogance.
누가 그걸 지키라는데? 배짱만 있다면 자기만의 법을 만들 수도 있어.
애초에 누가 자네를 진리 지킴이로 삼았는데? 존나 오만하다니까!
au·dac·i·ty [/ôˈdasədē,äˈdasədē/]
noun: audacity
1.a willingness to take bold risks.
"her audacity came in handy during our most recent emergency"
Similar: boldness,daring,fearlessness,intrepidity,bravery,courage,courageousness,valor,valorousness,heroism,pluck,recklessness,adventurousness,enterprise,dynamism,spirit,mettle,confidence,guts,gutsiness,spunk,grit,bottle,ballsiness,moxie,cojones
2.rude or disrespectful behavior; impudence.
"she had the audacity to pick up the receiver and ask me to hang up"
On my part? You're the one who just said you created your own system of right and wrong, like some fucking deity.
사돈 남말 하시네. 자신만의 가불가 원칙을 만들어? 망할 신도 아니고
de·i·ty [/ˈdēədē,ˈdāədē/]
a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion).
"a deity of ancient Greece"
Similar: god,goddess,divine being,celestial being,supreme being,divinity,immortal,creator,demiurge,godhead,daemon,numen
avatar,divine status, quality, or nature.
"a ruler driven by delusions of deity"
the creator and supreme being (in a monotheistic religion such as Christianity).
"she raised her head as if appealing to the Deity presiding over the church"
I didn't presume to that. I arrived at it.
의도한건 아닌데 그렇게 된거야.
be audacious enough to do something.
"kindly don't presume to issue me orders in my own house"
presumed; presuming
to undertake without permission or good reason : DARE
presume to question the authority of a superior
2 to expect or assume with confidence : feel sure
I presume you'll fly if you do go
3 to suppose to be true without proof
presume a person innocent until proved guilty
A Titan steals fire and gets his liver eaten every day for punishment.
어느 티탄은 불을 훔친 죄로 매일 간을 파먹히고
Another one picks the wrong side in a war and has to hold the world on his shoulders for all time.
엉뚱한 편에서 전쟁한 신은 온 세상을 어깨에 짊어지게됐지
A king tells a secret and has to push a rock up a hill for his trouble.
비밀을 누설한 왕은 그 벌로 바위를 밀며 언덕을 올라야 해
Believe it if you will, or look for the metaphor in it, one thing's for sure.
못 믿겠으면 검색해 봐 다만 확실한 사실은
We are not very good at being fucking happy, are we?
우린 행복을 누리는데 참 소질이 없다는거야
Happy. What's that? Family dinners every night? Playing 18 on the weekend and going to Nevi's at Christmas time?
행복. 매일 가족끼리 저녁먹고 주말엔 골프치고 크리스마스는 네비스섬에서 나는 거?
Some version of it.
대충 그런거
That the kind of happy you're aiming at? No, you know it ain't.
그런 행복을 원하나? 아니, 알면서 그러나
So you gotta aim at me.
그래서 날 노리는군
Right or wrong.
옳고 그르건
And when it's wrong, you gin up some shit to make it work.
자네가 틀렸을 땐 뭐든 지어내고
Un-fucking-believable! You actually believe you're innocent.
존나 가관이네! 진짜로 자네가 결백하다고 믿는군
arouse or intensify strong feelings in someone.
"the goal of the convention is to gin up the faithful"
generate or increase something, especially by dubious or dishonest means.
"the trade press has ginned up a controversy"