두시간 동안 영어로

오늘의 context: 퇴근 전 두시간 남았으니까 그때까지는 실시간으로 도와줄 수 있고, 퇴근 후에는 메시지 남겨놓으면 최대한 빨리 답장하곘다고 하는 상황.

오늘의 해석: [ 두시간 동안 있을거야, 하지만 언제든 메시지 보내도 돼 최대한 빨리 답장할게 ]

오늘의 blocks: [ for a couple of hours, but you can send a message, I will, be here, and I will respond, any time, as soon as possible ]

오늘의 문장: [ I will be here for a couple of hours, but you can send a message any time and I will respond as soon as possible ]

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